Wednesday 24 February 2010

Quoting and providing sources

Whether you're directly quoting (using quote marks if within a sentence or indenting - blogger provides a quote tool to indent any highlighted text [also change the font if you do]) from anything you've read, you should provide a full reference (details of where it came from). As I'm blogging across 30+ blogs I don't always for the sake of speed, but you should!
The basic details you're looking to provide are:
  1. author/s or editor/s
  2. year of publication (or full dd/mm/yyyy if newspaper/web)
  3. title of article (in "" or Italics)
  4. for books, place of publication + publisher
  5. page number/s
  6. URL and date accessed online if web
  7. for films, always give director's surname and year of release (in brackets) after the 1st mention of a title in any post (no need to repeat within a post, but do within a new post)
Use the guide below for more
Referencing & Bibliography                                                            
I might add further resources later

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